To date, itsColl Wellness has a total of 10 outstanding products: The Beauty Powder, itsCollPlus+ SE, SPA Water All In One Cream In Gel, Cactus Gel, Eatox, Oxygrainz, Multigrainz, JujiGrainz, Protigrainz and Nutrieye.
Rooted in a commitment to holistic well-being, ItsColl Wellness upholds the belief that a good product speaks for itself. With raw ingredients sourced from all over the world, each product of ItsColl Wellness is inherently natural, free from chemicals or additives, ensuring effectiveness and grounded in scientific validation which are crafted by the R&D team in Malaysia, spearheaded by co-founder Autumn Tan, a certified Diet and Nutrition Therapist who holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry from New Zealand, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the innovative manufacturing process.
ItsColl Wellness has gone through a series of extensive safety procedures when it comes to testing the credibility, authenticity and reliability of its products, making sure the brand and products are approved by the Ministry of Health (MOH), with GMP, HACCP, MESTI, and Halal certification.